If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re interested in making changes to your lifestyle in an effort to become healthier. And that’s great! When people are ready to make positive changes in their lives, they often do so in incremental steps so they can adapt as needed. Healthy habits and practices that last tend to be things that are sustainable over time with minimal effort and require no special circumstances. These are often things that we don’t think about until we are ready to make a change, but once we do, it’s an important step towards improving our overall health and quality of life.

Start with small and simple changes

Before diving into any specific changes you’d like to make, it’s important to identify what exactly needs to change. Once you’ve identified those areas, you can start making small and simple changes that lead up to your ultimate goal.If you’re trying to increase your physical activity, start by adding one additional day of exercise per week. Once you get to two or three days of exercise per week, you’ll be making progress towards your ultimate goal of engaging in 30 minutes of physical activity five times per week.

Move more

If you’re interested in making changes to your lifestyle that will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, you’ll want to make sure you’re moving enough throughout the day.There are a number of ways to increase your overall movement throughout the day, but the easiest is to simply walk more. You don’t have to walk everywhere, but you should be making an effort to walk more than you’re currently doing.If you’re on a budget, you can also increase your movement by taking the stairs whenever possible. Studies show that when you increase your movement, you’ll also increase your metabolism, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

Eat more whole foods

If you’re trying to improve your overall health and make healthier food choices, one of the best things you can do is to simply start eating more whole foods.If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to eating more whole foods, there are a number of things you can do.You can start by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet. You can also make an effort to cut back on processed foods and eat more things like whole grains and legumes.There are a number of ways to make this happen, but the easiest is to simply start by taking one step at a time.

Get more sleep

If you’re interested in improving your overall health and making healthier choices, you may want to start by getting more sleep. Studies show that when you get enough sleep, your overall health will improve, and you’ll make healthier choices more often.When it comes to getting enough sleep, there isn’t a specific number of hours you should try to get, but some general guidelines are anything from 7 to 9 hours for most adults.If you’re having a hard time getting enough sleep, there are a few things you can do to help yourself get into a better sleeping routine.

Don’t forget to breathe

If you’re interested in making healthy lifestyle changes that will benefit your mental health as well as your physical health, you’ll want to make sure to incorporate daily breathing exercises into your routine.Studies show that when you incorporate breathing exercises into your day, you can lower your blood pressure, improve your mental focus, and increase your overall mood. There are a number of different types of breathing exercises you can try, but the easiest is probably the three-minute breathing exercise. You can also try taking 10-15 deep breaths throughout the day to help clear your mind and reduce stress levels.


As you can see, healthy lifestyle changes don’t have to be difficult and they don’t have to be something you do on the sidelines. Instead, they can be something that you make a part of your everyday life and something that becomes a part of who you are.If you’re ready to make healthy lifestyle changes that will make a positive difference in your life, now is the time!