Rest is something all humans need and something we often overlook. If you’re feeling fatigued or stressed, getting more rest can help improve your mood, increase your productivity, and reduce the likelihood of illness.There are many ways to get more rest and improve your sleep, whether that means shifting your bedtime, making your bedroom more conducive to rest, or even using technology to improve your sleep. With any of these strategies, there is increased likelihood of getting better quality sleep because you’ll be training your brain and body to associate sleep with positive feelings. These strategies are simple to implement and may help improve your quality of life. Let’s take a look at some ideas for getting more rest and improving your sleep.

Change your bedtime

One simple and effective way to get more rest is to change your bedtime. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re likely to feel fatigued and lethargic. This makes it difficult to focus on work, school, or other tasks. Additionally, when you don’t get enough sleep, your memory and mood will likely suffer.If you’re not getting the recommended amount of sleep, try changing your bedtime by 30 minutes every week until you find a time that works best for you. This will help retrain your body to associate sleep with positive feelings so that you’re more likely to get the rest you need.

Create a relaxing environment

Another way to get more rest is to create a relaxing environment for when you go to bed. This can consist of a dimmer switch, sound machine, or other devices that produce sounds or music that soothe your mind and body.If you’re in a space where you can’t control the lights or sounds, try using light blocking curtains or a blackout curtain. These will help block out light that may prevent you from falling asleep.Additionally, you can use a sound machine to create a soothing soundscape to help lull you to sleep.

Make your room more conducive to rest

If you’re having trouble sleeping, you may want to make your bedroom more conducive to rest. This can include making adjustments to the temperature, changing your bedding, or even adding sound-muffling curtains to your windows.If you’re having trouble sleeping because of noise or other disturbances, consider moving your bed away from those sources. This can help you create a more relaxing environment that will help you fall asleep more easily.

Use a sleep mask

One final way to get more rest is to use a sleep mask. Studies have shown that wearing a sleep mask before bedtime can help you get better quality sleep. Sleeping with a mask on your eyes can prevent yourself from being distracted by external stimuli, such as street noise, and can help you fall asleep faster and more easily.Depending on your sleeping habits and how often you have trouble sleeping, you may want to consider wearing a mask every night or only on nights when you have trouble falling asleep.


Rest is necessary for our health and wellbeing. By getting enough rest, we can improve our mental focus and productivity, reduce the likelihood of illness, and even boost our immune systems.There are many simple strategies for getting more rest, such as changing your bedtime, creating a relaxing environment, and wearing a sleep mask. These small changes can have a big impact on your quality of sleep.