Working with children can be stressful, especially in the classroom environment where you have to be on your toes all the time. School can be a challenging environment and children are often very stressed out due to exams and competition in the classroom. Stress can have both short-term and long-term effects on your body and mind. It can be difficult to manage stress on your own and it’s important to know how to reduce your stress levels and promote relaxation. Reducing stress and promoting relaxation will help you be a better teacher, colleague and friend to yourself. With these tips, you will be able to create a healthier working environment and reduce your own stress levels.Working in education is challenging, but it’s also rewarding. If you are stressed out, burnt out or overwhelmed, it’s time for you to take a break before you get burnt out completely. Learning how to relax will help you recharge your batteries and come back to work with a fresh outlook on life. You will be able to help your students by setting an example of someone who is at peace with themselves and able to focus on others. Now let’s talk about how to reduce stress and promote relaxation so that you can come back to work more rested and ready to teach your next class!

Don’t forget to breathe

One of the quickest ways to reduce stress and promote relaxation is to practice breathing. As you read this article, take a few moments to focus on your breath. As you read the words, you will be taking in oxygen to help you focus. As you focus on the words and images in this article, you will be taking in energy and positivity. Taking time to breathe will help you to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Go for a walk

Exercising is one of the best ways to reduce stress and promote relaxation. You can walk, run or even swim to reduce stress and promote relaxation. By taking a walk outside or around campus, you will be able to clear your mind, focus on your surroundings and take in the fresh air. You don’t have to go to a gym to exercise. You can walk around the block or even around campus. If you are working with children, it is important to be aware of their level of fitness and their ability to focus on the task at hand. If you are working with younger children who are on the early elementary school level, take them outside for short walks. If you are working with older children or teens, you can take them outside for longer walks.


Meditation is another great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. There are many different types of meditation and you can choose the one that works best for you. If you are working with children, you will want to choose a type of meditation that is quiet and doesn’t require a lot of movement. Choose a spot where you are surrounded by nature. If you are working with adults, you can choose to meditate in a quiet room at your school. You can even use apps on your phone to guide you through the different types of meditation.

Change your environment

Another great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation is to change your environment. If you are working with children, you can ask your principal or vice principal if you can put up a blackboard or whiteboard in your classroom. This will allow you to change up your space and make it more engaging for your students. You can change it up as often as you’d like to make sure it’s engaging for your students. If you are working with adults, you can change up your surrounding space. If you work at home, you can change up the colour of your walls and change your furniture around. If you work at school, you can change up your classroom to make it more engaging for your students.

Take care of your body and mind

Lastly, you can take care of your body and mind. This means eating healthy, getting enough sleep and exercising on a regular basis. You are what you eat, so choosing healthy foods will help you to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Getting enough sleep will help you to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Exercising regularly will help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It will improve your mood, reduce your risk of chronic diseases and increase your energy level. If you work with children, you will also be setting a good example for them.


Working with children can be stressful, especially in the classroom environment where you have to be on your toes all the time. Reducing stress and promoting relaxation will help you be a better teacher and colleague. With these tips, you will be able to create a healthier working environment and reduce your own stress levels.