Family involvement is important when making long-term changes in habits like eating healthier, exercising more often or getting enough sleep. Having your friends and family members on board can help you succeed at making those changes and stay motivated throughout the process. The more support your family has, the easier it will be to make and maintain these changes. The more they know about your goals, the more they can support you during rough times or help you find healthy solutions when you’re struggling. When it comes to eating healthier, a family meeting to discuss your goals and timelines for making changes can be very helpful. When discussing your goals with your friends and family members, it’s important to remember that everyone has different ideas about what healthy means. This is an opportunity to have honest discussions about what is working for you and what isn’t so you can all move forward with the best plan for everyone. Here are some suggestions for getting your family involved in your healthy lifestyle journey:

Have an open and honest conversation

The very first step in getting your family involved in your healthy lifestyle journey is to have an open and honest conversation about why you are choosing these changes and what they mean for your health. You might want to start by sharing a little bit about your current health and what your doctor says you should be doing differently. You might also want to share what you’ve read about what a healthy diet should look like and why you want to change what you’re eating. You might want to bring in a book or article on what a healthy lifestyle looks like so everyone can take a look at what you’re reading. If you have a health coach or nutritionist, you can even invite them to come to the meeting so everyone can get a better idea of what healthy eating entails. When you’re ready to start sharing your goals, you can pass out printed copies of your goal charts or use a shared document like Google Docs so everyone can access it from any device. Letting your friends and family members know that you want to make changes to your diet and lifestyle is a great way to start the conversation. You can also let them know about ways they can help you along the way.

Hold a family meeting

If you decide to have a family meeting to discuss your goals and how you plan to make them a reality, it’s a good idea to start with a short icebreaker. This can help get everyone talking and feeling comfortable with each other before diving into the meat of your conversation. You can start by asking what everyone thinks about the idea of eating healthier and making changes to their diets. You can ask them if they’ve ever tried eating a certain type of food before or if they know anyone who has struggled with eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. You can also ask them what foods they like to eat and why they like eating those foods. This can help you get a better idea of what foods you should be eating more of and what foods you should be avoiding. You can also ask them what they think about the idea of exercising more often so you can stay active and healthy.

Talk about your budget and what you can do to save money in the short term

If you’re trying to save money by eating healthier, you might want to start with a short-term budget. This can help you to identify what you’re spending money on and where you can make adjustments to save money. You can use a simple spreadsheet or app to track your expenses each month and then adjust your budget based on your goals and how much money you have left at the end of the month. This can help you to make better decisions about what you should and shouldn’t be spending your money on. You can also use a budget to help identify ways you can make extra money to save up for your healthier lifestyle. Working a side hustle or finding creative ways to make extra money can be beneficial. You can also make plans to spend less money by planning your meals ahead of time so you won’t be tempted to eat out.

Talk about how to make your home a healthier environment

If you’re trying to make your home a healthier environment, you can start with simple changes like removing clutter, getting rid of old or broken appliances, and making the house a little darker so you can sleep better at night. You can also find ways to create a more peaceful environment in your home by cleaning it, planting some plants and flowers, and making it smell nice. You can also consider how you can make your home a healthier environment for your children by cleaning out their toys and making it easy for them to tidy up. You can also find ways to help your children stay active and get their daily exercise. This can help reduce the amount of time spent in front of a screen and encourage them to spend more time doing other activities.

Help your kids make healthy snack and lunch choices

If you have kids, you might want to spend some time talking about how they eat. You can start by asking them what they like to eat and what they prefer to eat. You can also ask them if they ever feel full and if they ever feel like they’re eating too much or not enough. This can help you to have a better idea about what to feed them and how often to feed them so they stay full all day. You can also ask your kids if they like any fruits or vegetables and if they know what kinds of vegetables are good for them. This can be a great time to discuss how to shop for produce and which fruits and vegetables are best to eat. You can also ask your kids if they know how to prepare any of their favorite foods. This can help you to find ways to help them eat more fruits and vegetables by encouraging them to help in the kitchen and make their own snacks.


Getting your friends and family members involved in your healthy lifestyle journey can be a great way to stay motivated. It can also help you to make changes that are more sustainable by having people close to you support you during the process. If your friends and family members know what changes you’re making and why you’re making them, it can help them to support you and be more encouraging during the tough times. A family meeting to discuss your goals and how you plan to make them a reality can be a great way to start the conversation. Start the meeting with a short icebreaker to help get everyone talking and feeling comfortable with each other before diving into the meat of your conversation. You can start by asking what everyone thinks about the idea of eating healthier and making changes to their diets. This can help you to get a better idea of what foods you should be eating more of and what foods you should be avoiding. You can also ask your friends and family members what they think about the idea of exercising more often so you can stay active and healthy.